Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Are you in denial?
Now this post will probably rattle a few cages, but hey, sometimes some things need to be said.
I posted an article yesterday on twitter by Katie Hopkins who's traditional controversial approach took to the issue of weight loss and the thin ideal. She expressed the nations obsession with justifying weight gain and the 'size 16' normality.
Whilst I don't necessarily agree that someone who has a pretty naturally slender physique can comment on the inner workings of a bigger girl's mind. I can however, speak with some experience, and unfortunately I do to some extent agree.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
We all have parts of our body we aren't happy with, and for some that can be quite a few. When I reached the point of no longer wanting to be 'skinny' but to achieve an overall healthy and stronger physique, it became less about shrinking certain areas and more about learning to understand how my body adapted to training and nutrition manipulation.
Although many measure strength in numbers, I believe this whole process is a lot more than that. It's having the strength to get yourself to the gym in the first place when it would be easy to stroll on past, or having the strength to wake up earlier than most when the dark mornings make us want nothing more than those few extra moments in bed.
It's also having the strength to do things which most people will never be able to understand, and to forever be dissatisfied with having 'just enough'.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Motivation Monday.
As someone who has studied the power of the English language to a great extent, I am a big believer in the right words having the ability to transform our thought processes into positive or negative outcomes.
There seems to be a complete influx of quotations which fill the fitness industry in particular in an attempt to get the unmotivated moving again. I tend to fall on the argument of being favourable towards quotations and motivating pictures, not necessarily because they motivate me completely but they do however help me to feel like I am not alone during moments of self-doubt and frustration.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
The Juicy Truth.

It seems more
and more people want to lose weight but are often too impatient to create a
sustainable weight loss plan.One
of the latest crazes to be sweeping through the celebrity world is 'Juice
Dieting' - Replacing your daily meal intake by juices made up with an array of
fruits, vegetables and supplements.
Sunday, 5 January 2014
So here it is, January. The beginning of the year, and for me, the beginning of lots of exciting plans for the year ahead.
Lots of people fall into the trap of 'New Years Resolutions' and empty promises, but one thing I am proud of myself for is my drive to achieve the goals I set for myself and I won't stop until I do.
I am very lucky to be beginning the year on several highs. The first being the decision to take on a weekly night course to train to be a GP referral personal trainer, specialising in obesity patients and weight management. I will begin with my level 2 fitness instructor course and then branch off to take on the GP referral course and extra studies in nutrition and weight management.
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