
Monday, 20 January 2014

Motivation Monday.

As someone who has studied the power of the English language to a great extent, I am a big believer in the right words having the ability to transform our thought processes into positive or negative outcomes.

There seems to be a complete influx of quotations which fill the fitness industry in particular in an attempt to get the unmotivated moving again. I tend to fall on the argument of being favourable towards quotations and motivating pictures, not necessarily because they motivate me completely but they do however help me to feel like I am not alone during moments of self-doubt and frustration.

This is also the main reason for blogging. Fitness journeys can be lonely and psychologically testing for most. The path of self-improvement can often leave you blinded by the world around you, and stereotypically important things to most people, become suddenly insignificant compared to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You no longer feel the need to spend the weekend in the club, your free time includes meal prepping and spending some one to one time with the weights.

This week I have been accused by many people of 'changing' and becoming 'arrogant' since losing weight. I understand from speaking to a lot of people I am not alone with these sort of jibes but find it incredibly sad that taking care of yourself is seen as arrogance. I also find it hard to understand why 'changing' is always seen as such a negative thing and after several years of hard work I guess I'd be a little disappointed if I hadn't changed.  

This doesn't however mean that because I choose to spend my time in the gym instead of on nights out, that I am any more self-obsessed than those who spend their time drinking. Society has been so trained into a sedately life that takeaways, convenience and binging is seen as more acceptable than planning your time efficiently and I for one am growing increasingly tired of explaining my lifestyle choices to people who are ignorant to change.

This week has been tough, I have been pushed to emotional limits and have had big changes to face but often the decisions we have to make are not the easiest, and they may not always make us the happiest but they are necessary in order to create the best possible outcome.

You may lose people along the way, those you once turned to may have faded and to many, living a healthy lifestyle may be difficult to grasp. As much as I am a believer in creating your own fate, I am also a believer where people are concerned to not try and change someone's opinion of you.

Sometimes this journey can be a lonely one, but I have learnt this week that there are more people there to support me than I thought, and just because they don't always voice it, doesn't mean they don't care.

We all have our flaws, they make us unique, and give us motivation to carry on. We must fill our lives with people that embrace our flaws, support us at our lowest and despite their own problems and battles, will always take the time to remind us that it will all be okay.

"To get a rainbow, you must first go through the rain."

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