Throughout my life I have found it very difficult to surround
myself with a large group of women, and I am mostly comfortable within a very
male dominated environment. This is largely due to the fact that I have found a
lot of women I have come across to be catty and a large number of males to be
honest and much straighter to the point.
Although I am proud to be a female and I have very strong
female role models in my mother and grandmothers, I often find it hard to
believe how presumptuous women can be. This is particularly something I have
found since getting into fitness, which I hope never become.
It seems easier to criticise others than to praise them,
finding flaws and weaknesses in those around us often distracts our minds from
the problems in our own lives. It seems to be hard for a lot of women to admit
their flaws too at times, believing this to be a sign of weakness too. I’m
going to reveal some home truths about myself in the hope that people start to
realise this isn’t a battle
I often get dodgy looks from girls in the gym, or from women
outside of the gym who wrongly assume I am ‘arrogant’ or unapproachable. It is
this kind of attitude which puts me off being friends with a lot of girls, and
those I do have, I keep very close to me because I know they are genuine,
straight to the point kind of women, who like to empower not criticise – and those
are the women I want in my life.
So here goes, a few home truths, and bits I’ve learnt along
this crazy journey of mine.
I was bullied. Despite being a very overweight child, I wasn’t targeted because
of my size. Bullies at school picked on the fact I do actually have a rather
large sized head, (it’s okay you can laugh!) and was constantly teased for
this. This taught me a lot about the way people act and has transferred into my
adult life. It doesn’t matter how you feel, people will always find flaws, they
aren’t always the obvious things, but they will. You can change a huge amount
of things in your life, including the way you look, but there will always be
someone who can find a loop hole. As the saying goes, you can be the ripest
peach, but there will always be someone who doesn’t like peaches.
I’m stubborn. Stubbornness in my
eyes can be both a blessing and a curse and I am very head strong with my
opinions and values. As much as this frustrates several people around me at
times, it is also the drive that pushes me forward each and every day, and for
that I will always be grateful.
I have polycystic ovaries, low
oestrogen levels and will eventually have to have hormone therapy treatment. – My
fertility fate was confirmed to me earlier on this year and is something I am
learning to deal with gradually, I know nothing is impossible but I am
confident I can make the best out of this situation when the time comes.
I finally have a good
relationship with food. When I was younger food was definitely an emotional
crutch for me. I used it to gain friends, often buying treats with my pocket
money to share with the children in my local area. Think of me as the pied
piper of the sweet aisle if you will. I also used to sneak treats from my
parent’s cupboards and gauge on them in secret. Growing up in a broken home,
this often gave me satisfaction in knowing this was the one area I could
control and the thrill of getting caught was also a hugely rewarding feeling. I
am glad this only kept at mars bar stealing and didn’t progress to carjacking
and mugging old ladies for their pension.
I have a lot of body hang-ups
like most women but my biggest vice are my arms. So much so that a large part
of my reasoning behind my tattoo work, was to cover up a proportion of the body
part I have grown to hate so much.
I will always compare myself to
others – this is something which stems from childhood, and staring at my
cousins and friends in awe of their ‘naturally slim’ bodies. I often stare at
girls in the street and admire their physiques, but I no longer beat myself up
about not having ‘what they have’. I have pushed my own body further than I
ever thought I could, and this was partially because I stopped justifying my
food choices by mirroring others. I don’t eat junk like ‘those’ because
genetically I can’t, and I know I prefer how I look when I step away from the
family sized galaxy.
I will always have reminders of
my bigger past – Although I lost weight slowly, it is inevitable that there
will still be signs of body shape changes which include stretch marks and loose
skin in places. I am lucky that I did it at an age where my elasticity would be
a lot better than some, but I still have imperfections that no amount of training
will alter. Having spent years loathing my ‘tiger stripes’ I am now more
grateful that as they begin to fade, so do my skin imperfection worries.
I am not as confident as I appear
– I have never been one that relies on compliments to make me feel good, I also
find it very difficult to reveal many of the worries that circulate my head
each day. I’m a writer, I am good with words, but often speaking ugly truths
can be difficult and so I tend to keep a lot of how I feel under-wraps. There
are only two people in this world that know a majority of things I have been
through and even those don’t know the extent. I had a wonderful childhood, but
it was filled with moments which I like to refer to as ‘character building’ and
my dad always taught me that nothing ever really came of crying. I seem to have
this ‘tough exterior’ malarkey down, and in a way I like this. I may walk with
my head held high most of the time, but in reality I am just as nervous as
those who let it show.

I am not a settler – I’ve
travelled, moved cities, left friends and relationships behind that weren’t
enhancing my life, and will continue to make decisions which ultimately put me
closer to happiness. Life is too short to be wasting time in environments and
groups which don’t help you to excel.
I am not completely sure where I am heading – At 24 I should
probably have some idea of where I am at, but the truth is, I'm not there yet. I am lucky I have found the person I truly
believe I am supposed to tackle this crazy world with for the rest of my life,
just where, and doing what… well who knows!
I didn’t scrawl all these feelings for sympathy, far from it
in fact, I retold them as proof that behind every exterior there’s a world you
know nothing about. Everyone is human, and my biggest advice, is never forget
who you truly are, no matter what your journey.
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