The importance of mirrors and reflection is something that stems back as early as our childhoods. From fairy-tales to that first moment we discovered our reflection as a baby, we have vastly become fascinated by self-monitoring.
Over the years our bodies change and when you make the change to begin a healthy lifestyle, it is easy to get caught up with monitoring progression and even easier to punish yourself if you aren't completely satisfied with what you see.
Last week I was having what I often refer to as a 'whale' day. One of those days where you feel heavy, sluggish and quite honestly, I felt huge. I spent the day hiding in baggy vests and hoodies, making myself look as unacceptable for society as possible. As many will know, dieting is a mind game, and on certain days, realistic thought processes seem to disappear and are replaced by all the 'big girl' insecurities.
I stared in the mirror, poked and prodded myself, sighed a bit and then sat in a heap on the floor. It was in that heap of jumper material and self-doubt that I began to wonder why people waste so much time in front of a mirror obsessing over the person staring back at them.
Surely a realistic measurement of how far you've come can be seen through better things than a shiny box? Are your clothes looser? Do you feel more confident? Do you have more energy? Is your skin clearer? Are you starting to enjoy your new lifestyle? All things that are so important, that often get lost when people dwell upon their reflection and not the bigger picture.

When all said and done every day isn't going to be amazing. You are going to have times where you doubt yourself, through slow progression or obsessing over other people's 'hot bods', but standing in front of a mirror and picking fault with yourself won't make those feeling's disappear.
Look back on old pictures and keep a track of your measurements - everything is adding up to a long-term change. Don't dwell on how you look in a mirror - treat it like a fun house mirror! Who says it's accurate anyway?!! Go on how you feel as you live your life.
I have now found pleasure in simple changes, like that bounce in my step that wasn't there when my thighs rubbed together, or the fact I now can reach for size 6's off the rail instead of searching for 18s.
I know that that big insecure girl is still in me but I'm trying to not let her take over the rest of my life, and I'm trying even harder to not obsess over mirrors, scales or anything that makes me doubt myself and my future.
This is a great post. I have had all the same inner dialogue a thousand times myself. Those random days where no matter what you do you just poke at yourself and hate the image in the mirror despite knowing you've come so dang far on your journey. Sometimes it takes a good comparison photo to really put things into perspective. We are not perfect, nor will we ever be, but we are so much better off living active healthy lifestyles :)