This week has been a week off work for me, which has given me a lot of time to focus on the quality of my training but also a lot of time to think - something that I'm not entirely sure is a good thing.
I've always been a deep-thinker, in fact I probably would go as far as saying I think too much. Although perfectly happy in my own company, it is often when my mind wanders, worries and over analyses certain aspects of my life.
It's the deep-thinker in me that relishes the chance to exercise because for that hour or so I am completely blocked out from any outside worries. It's my time to focus on training and watching my body change.
I am currently in a pretty difficult part of my life. Although I worked hard to achieve my Journalism degree, I am back living in my home city, with my parents, writing in a job of which the context isn't something I have particular passion for. Training therefore is my one consistent release from the uncertain world around me, and it's comforting to know that at this point a lot of things feel unsettled, I know training hard is keeping my head above water.

I think those that view training as a chore, need to rethink their gym plan. For long-term success through exercise it's important to find something you enjoy, and above all a plan that keeps you coming back for more.
It is strange to think have completely changed my priorities over the last few years, gone are the nights of takeaways and binge-drinking, now I fill my spare time with doing what I really love - working towards gym targets and putting my thoughts into writing. Although some things remain uncertain, since finding fitness I get to worry for one-hour a day less than I use to, and I guess you could say the rest is a working progress.
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