Now this is going to probably make me look like some raving butch feminist, and I guess they are certain qualities I possess but I wanted to blog about a subject quite close to my chest. (Chest being the ironic word all things considered.)
It has been the suggestion of many ignorant people that weight training makes you 'manly', it has also been suggested that muscles are not feminine.

I give you exhibit A: The 'normal' girl. Now I say normal because alarmingly this is the tag that was given to this picture on google images.
Fan of the pouts, lots of cleavage, too much make-up, not enough clothes and enough tan to rival an oompa loompa, but this is what is considered normal? and more to the point this is what is considered feminine?
Now let's consider what a lot of people suggest as 'manly' weight training women.
A woman who has worked hard for her body and measures her strength in weight not in pulling technique.
The line 'but men like curvy women' is chucked around so much. Truth is most women want a body like this but don't have the mental attitude to get the hard work done. And if men sat and admitted it to themselves they would rather have a women in a gym than a woman in a club, always.
A good body is more than just a shell - it is a projection of determination. It cannot be brought or cheated by a good pair of heels and big knickers, it has been earned and more importantly it shows strength of character and perseverance.
Of course I enjoy nights out, there isn't anything I like better than having a good dance and catch up with some of the best people in my life, but that doesn't mean I feel the need to dress in short dresses, and plaster myself in make-up and I will still be in the gym the next day, working on achieving my goals.
So yes, if you're thinking a women who weight-trains isn't feminine? Look towards those pouting girls, with too much boob and not enough brain, and think to yourself... what is more beautiful than a women who knows her own self worth. We are more than selfies and seduction.
Beautiful commentary. I love it! I am working to hard to gain my muscle but I also think I'm very feminine. I admire strength far more than fakeness. It shows so much about a persons character, and quite frankly I have no desire to be with someone who would not appreciate the beauty in the work that I put out.