I will happily tell people what I know but I will not
a) waste my time.
b) lie.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of people who like the thought of changing their bodies, but do not have the willpower nor the drive to get themselves off the sofa. I'd like a huge car, a nice house, my dream job etc but I know all these things won't be handed to me. To achieve my ambitions in life, I must first put in a lot of effort and hard work. This is just the same as achieving a better body.
When speaking to someone in need, I can tell straight away whether they will achieve their goals and it is usually by the following questions:
"How did you lose the weight?"
"How long did it take you."
It is obvious that the answer to the above is - through a lot of hard work, and quite a long time. Unfortunately, this isn't the response most people want to hear. They want 'oh it was easy' and 'you'll do it in a few weeks,' when in reality, to maintain a healthy weight loss takes a lot of sweat, tears, time and efforts and in all honesty, if you're not willing to make sacrifices, then you won't achieve.

It's been a long struggle but I am finally finding my training/life balance. I've stopped worrying about others around me, and trying to achieve that 'inspirational' body. I train 6 days a week, not because I want to be 'skinny' but because it's my only 'me' time. It's my one hour where my brain shuts off to all the worries of bills, work, and life.
I'm sorry I can't tell you it will be easy, there is no magical pill that will take away your insecurities, but eventually you will realise that although you may have not attained your dream body just yet, you are so much closer than you once were. It's a long battle, and probably one that will continue for as long as unhealthy foods are so readily available, but all the efforts, they're all worth it, when you can look in the mirror and know you earned every curve.
So how long did it take me? In my eyes, my journey has only just begun.
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