Sometimes it's easy to lose a grip on reality.
We become so focused on self-improvement that the enjoyment and confidence that should come with achieving is overpowered by a constant drive to be better.
Don't get me wrong drive it healthy. It's what makes us get ourselves out of bed in the morning. It also gets us to the gym in the evening after a long day of work, when we could easily just head home to crash out on the sofa.
Despite healthy competitiveness and a need to keep pushing, I think it's also important to remember how far we've come.
Staring in the mirror I am overcome by a constant need to seek out weaknesses and room for improvement. It's this strict mentality I have with myself that provides me with the perfect gym motivation, but can also be crippling when self-doubt and insecurities drown the bigger picture.
Sometimes it's time for a reality check. To look back and realise that although I may not be where I want to be, I am a damn sight closer than I once was.
I no longer have to search through rails to find the size 18s, I don't get out of breath climbing the stairs, and my thighs don't burn when I walk anymore. All these tiny things may be trivial to some, but to me they are a reminder that I have come a long way. They also tell me I have achieved enough to not constantly beat myself up.
I may not have the perfect ass, my legs will always be chunky, my arms will always need work, and truth is, I will never be a 'bikini' babe.
I am a normal girl who has a lot of confidence issues, but I'm working on them, one rep at a time.
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